Repression mot folkliga rörelser och hot mot demokratin under krisen. Webbinarium



Anmälan till detta webbinarium kan ske här. Då jag får information om detta kan endast dag 2, 26/4 höras.

Från Sverige deltar: Tord Björk, Michel Diaz Nocetti och Joel Holmdal.


APRIL 25, 2020
Russia: Cases in St Petersburg, Penza
Ukraine: Odessa massacre and solidarity action May 2
Lithuania: Algirdas Paleckis
Austria: Abdel Kerim Abu Habel, a Palestinian asylum seeker
Catalonia: 9 Catalan political leaders sentenced to prison between 9 to 13 years.
UK : Julian Assange and labelling Stop the war, Greenpeace and other movements as terrorist threats

12:00-12:30 AM
First contact to webinar practice, and to know each other.
12:30-13:15 – ”Stopping repression against movements in Russia, Ukraine and the EU”. Reports on different cases and proposals for action :

13:15-14:00 – ”Defending democratic rights during the present crisis. Reports from Central and Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe

14:00 – Conclusions and closing ceremony


APRIL 26, 2020

10:00-10:45 AM – Welcome ceremony
Introduction : How can movements come together during the crisis and work together in Europe and towards World Social Forum
(WSF) in Mexico 2021 ?
Leo Gabriel (Prague Spring 2 ; Member of the International Council of WSF), Roberto Morea (Member of Managing Board of Transform!
Europe), Balint Jósa (UNITED) and the initiators of the webinars.

10:45-11:00 AM – ”How to participate” ?
Collective solving of practical issues.

11:00-12:30 AM – ”Internationalistic answers to the coronacrisis”
Leire Azkargota, Francine Mestrum, Aleksander Buzgalin, Rainer Braun, Peter Wahl, Alina Aflicalor
Facilitator : Mirek Prokeš (SPaS)

12:30-13:00 – Break

14:45 – 15:15 – Summary of proposals from earlier sessions.
Discussion on : ”How to unify peace and environmental movement and a common way to address the crisis ?”

15:15 – 16:00 – Working groups

16:00 – 16:45 – Reports from the working groups, proposals for actions and next step forward.

13:00 – 14:30 – ”Internationalistic answers to the Coronacrisis from a youth perspective”
Youth action movements on : ”How to solve the crisis from a peace and environmental/health justice perspective ?”

Michel Diaz NocettiStockholmsavdelningen av Nej till Nato.

Michel Diaz Nocetti, Marija Mileta, Kristóf Nagy, Balint Jósa, Nathan Metenier, Alina Aflecailor, Joel Holmdal.

Facilitator : Viktor Koren (IYNF)

14:45 – 16:45 – ”What can we do ?”
Facilitators : Tord Björk, Neringa Tumėnaitė (UNITED)
Facilitators: Leo Gabriel (on ”social rural and urban movements”)

Tord Björk

Tord Björk (on ”peace and environmental movements”)
Viktor Koren (IYNF) (on ”youth movements”)
Igor Gotlib (activist, Saint Petersburg, Russia) (on ”antirepression”)
Facilitators : Tord Björk

16:45 – 17:00 – Conclusions and closing ceremony

Alina Aflecailor, UNITED for Intercultural Action
Leire Azkargota, European secretariat of the International Peoples
Rainer Braun, International Peace Bureau
Aleksander Buzgalin, Alternatives, Russia
Michel Diaz Nocetti, No to Nato Sweden
Leo Gabriel, Prague Spring 2 ; Member of the International Council of WSF
Balint Jósa, UNITED For Intercultural Action
Joel Holmdal, Via Campesina Sweden
Marija Mileta, refugee activists and Green Action Croatia
Francine Mestrum, Global Social Justice and member of the International
Committee of WSF
Nathan Metenier, Youth and Environment Europe ; GCE
Roberto Morea, Member of Managing Board of Transform! Europe
Kristóf Nagy, editorial member of FORDULAT, Hungary
Peter Wahl, World Economy, Ecology and Development (WEED)
Organized and supported by

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