We are four acitivists from The ”Support Committe for Julian Assange in Stockholm, Sweden” who are participating in support manifestations for Julian Assange and the freedom of speech.

The ”Support Committe for Julian Assange in Stockholm, Sweden”
(Stockholm, September 2019).
The ”Support Committee for Julian Assange” in Stockholm, Sweden was established in the middle of August 2018 by ten organisations.
The organisations are Folket i Bild Kulturfront (FIB/K), Stockholm section, FIB/K-laywers, Charta2008, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR), Carlos Fonseca Amador, Iraksolidaritet, Jemensolidaritet, Syriensolidaritet, Svensk-kubanska föreningen (The Swedish-Cuban organisation) and Sveriges Fredsråd (Swedish Peace Council).
Solidarity manifestations for Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning are going on regularly, in central Stockholm, now every second Saturday. We have had about 20 manifestations since the summer of 2018.
These manifestations include banners, music, speeches in Swedish, Spanish and English and distribution of leaflets.
We also make films of manifestations and share at social media.
Three of the manifestations have taken place outside the embassy of Ecuador, three outside the embassy of UK and one outside the US embassy. At the meetings outside the embassies of Ecuador and UK, we have read statements and handed these over to the embassies.
In September in 2019 we arranged a meeting in the Swedish Riksdag (Parliament) with Julian’s father John Shipton and other meetings with him as well.
The latest manifestation was on 22 February as an early part of the international protests.
I am also representing Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) in London.
SWEDHR vice chair, Professor Anders Romelsjö @romelsj, is representing Swedish Doctors for Human Rights in the solidarity activities in London on behalf of Julian #Assange.@Doctors4Assange #HumanRights4All pic.twitter.com/18bVVlpre0
— SweDoctors4HRights (@SWEDHR) February 25, 2020
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